BelleVie has been selected as a SheEO™ UK Venture

Jake Starkey - Thursday, March 10th, 2022

BelleVie has been selected as a Venture working on the World’s To-Do List by SheEO™ Activators and we couldn’t be more thrilled!

The World’s To-Do List was created to support the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, and address global social challenges.. BelleVie was recognised for Goal 8 “Decent work and economic growth” due to our mission of reinventing the future of care work with novel, team-based ways of working, and fairly rewarded, purposeful careers in care; and Goal 3 “Good health and well-being” as our model of caring for care workers supports us to provide the high quality support that we believe everyone deserves.  

As a selected Venture, BelleVie receives funding from SheEO™ to grow our social impact, and  an invaluable opportunity to build new relationships and connections with thousands of SheEO™ Activators across the globe, all of whom are radically generous with their support and keen to help us fund our growth. 

Co-founder, Dr Trudie Fell, comments: “We are grateful to the SheEO activators who have given BelleVie their votes, their money and their time, to help us create a world where both those who give and receive care feel valued and thrive. The SheEO community has welcomed us with open arms and we look forward to working with them over the coming year and beyond.”

BelleVie are one of 5 female-founded, social impact, UK organisations selected as winning Ventures. We’d encourage you to check out the other winners as well and their inspiring stories!