Our Approach.

At BelleVie, we're reinventing home care with self-managed teams. This approach gives our Wellbeing Support Workers autonomy to deliver personalised care, ensuring they have the time and resources needed for each individual they support.

BelleVie is an innovative, people-powered, tech-enabled home care provider. We are committed to:

helping more people access the personalised support they need to live independent lives for longer

empowering and elevating carers to help attract and retain talent from all walks of life, providing rewarding work to people of all ages

driving sustainable, systemic change throughout the sector to help future-proof the country’s care delivery system for our growing, ageing population

Our inspiration

Our structure was inspired by the Buurtzorg operating model known for successfully revolutionising community nursing in the Netherlands. We were - and remain - the only provider to try something similar, at scale, here in the UK.

The model runs on small, self-managed teams and is paid for by a monthly subscription. There’s no hierarchy and no clock watching. Instead, teams are trusted and empowered to deliver person-centric care, based entirely on what’s best for those who we’re supporting. Home visits are about answering their needs and wants, instead of ticking tasks off a generic list. And our fully-flexible services can be booked daily, weekly, more, less, or ad hoc.

Our proprietary tech

When we started out, the technology didn’t exist to support our vision of self-managing teams. And so we built the tech that could! We literally co-designed the frameworks to power a bespoke technological platform. We call it our Wellbeing operating system. On it, our teams can manage their own rotas, care notes and professional development without the need for a central back office – helping keep our monthly subscription costs down.

And we’re not stopping there! We’re now working on our own Care Management software to help strengthen our predictive analytics so we can better calculate and safeguard health outcomes.

Our values-based recruitment

The job vacancy rate in care is significantly higher than that within the wider economy. Recognising that we prize personality and compassion over training (which we provide anyway) we launched a radically different recruitment programme. One in which we’ve replaced CVs with values-based surveys and swapped interviews for workshops.

The approach is already working, with more than half of our new carers coming from outside of the sector. By bringing new, untapped skills into the industry we’re addressing workforce shortages and bringing personalised care to more people throughout the country.

Our Vision

A society which values fulfilling careers in care, so every member of the care ecosystem is supported through meaningful, reciprocal relationships.

Our Mission

To reinvent the future of care, so communities are supported to thrive, and all members of the care ecosystem are valued.

Redefine care work and create a different future for the sector.

Change how we see ageing and care as a society. 

Build trusted relationships at every level.

Show that people still have something to offer in later life and that a job supporting this can be really fulfilling.

Get the BelleVie message across to structural stakeholders – and shift the mindset away from firefighting.

Our values

Lives Lived Well

We want everyone to live life to the fullest, helping them thrive, not just survive.

Close Communities

We help people give back to their local community in a way that’s rewarding for all.

Challenging the Status Quo

We drive change through ambitious, creative, innovative approaches.


All our relationships are built on dignity, honesty and respect.

Get in touch today to discuss how BelleVie can help with home care support for you and your loved ones.
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